HC Deb 27 June 1856 vol 142 c2073

said, he would beg to inquire of the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he had any objection to state the amount which he was prepared to allow for the support of juvenile criminals in certified reformatories before the 30th day of June, on which day the quarter sessions would assemble?


replied, that representations had been made that the allowance of 5s. a week for each inmate was not sufficient to meet the cost of maintenance in those institutions, while at the same time it exceeded the maximum allowance in gaols. He was told, also, that there was great difference in the expense in these reformatories, and the difficulty was to fix any sum which should be applicable to all alike. He hoped shortly to be able to inform the hon. Gentleman what the allowance would be, but at present he was not prepared to state it.