HC Deb 18 July 1856 vol 143 c1030

Order for Third Reading read.


said, he should be glad to know what would be the amount of increased expense incurred by the Bill?


said, he had already stated that when the whole system contemplated by the Government should be brought into full operation a very considerable increase of expense would be incurred. The formation of a large naval reserve was a most important national object, and the country must be prepared to bear a great expense to accomplish that object. But during the present year he did not expect that any large expense would be incurred. In future the coast-guard service would be a purely maritime service, and the Vote for wages and other expeses would be taken by the Admiralty, but for the present year the sum which had already been voted for the Customs would be sufficient to pay as many men as he could expect to raise before next year.

Bill read 3°, and passed.