HC Deb 11 February 1856 vol 140 cc590-1

Order for Second Reading read.


said, he would beg to postpone the second reading until Friday.


said, he thought it would be indecent to press on the measure so hastily. Members of the legal profession in Ireland could not judge of the Bill—at all events, could not express any opinion upon it—by that time; and it would not be fair to take it at a late hour on Friday night, after the House had been in Committee of Supply. It was almost seeking to entrap the House into an approval of the measure to which a large number of the Irish Members would be unable to give their assent. He thought it ought to be postponed for at least a week after the time mentioned by the hon. and learned Solicitor General for Ireland.


said, he also thought a longer time should be given for the consideration of the Bill. He should offer every possible opposition to the Bill being proceeded with on Friday night. He was perfectly willing to get rid of the Incumbered Estates Act, and he would probably be disposed to do it in a much more summary way than the hon. and learned Solicitor General for Ireland, but several of the Irish Members were afraid that this Bill was only a device to transfer the powers exercised by that Court to the Court of Chancery, with the view of making the Commissioners who sat therein Judges in the Court of Chancery, to the prejudice of the legitimate members of the legal profession. He thought, however, that every facility should be given for the consideration of the measure which was proposed to supersede it.


said, that when the Bill was introduced he abstained from making any remarks upon it, as he thought it would be better to discuss it upon its second reading. He had had many communications upon the subject, but he had not had an opportunity of reading it. He objected to a Bill in which the profession and the public took so much interest, being brought forward at midnight. It was not fair to Ireland or the public.


said, it was far from his wish to press forward the Bill with undue haste. A Bill was printed in July last, so that the right hon. and learned Gentleman might not be taken by surprise, and this Bill was the same, with some additional miscellaneous clauses. His only view in desiring its second reading so early was, that the present law will expire in July next, and because it would be desirable that the new law should come into operation at that time. He proposed to let the second reading stand for next Friday, when a day might be named for the Bill coming under the consideration of the House.

Second Reading deferred till Friday.

The House adjourned at a quarter after Eleven o'clock.