HC Deb 05 February 1856 vol 140 c221

said, he wished to inquire whether it was the intention of the noble Lord at the head of the Government to lay upon the table of the House any correspondence which had taken place with reference to the state of our relations with the United States of America? The correspondence with regard to Central America had been laid before the American Senate by the President, on the occasion of making his annual Message, and it was, therefore, to be supposed that it was complete; but he (Mr. Cobden) was not aware whether the correspondence with respect to the enlistment of American subjects for the British service was complete or not. He wished to know the intentions of the Government on the subject.


I apprehend that in neither case can the correspondence be said to be completed. When it is completed, of course it will be laid before the House, in order that it may be in possession of the full and entire facts.