HC Deb 01 February 1856 vol 140 c90

said, he wished to ask the hon. Under Secretary of State for War whether the attention of the noble Lord the Secretary for War had been directed to a memorial lately addressed by the colonels of the respective regiments of Foot Guards to Her Majesty the Queen; and whether it was the intention of the Government, in consequence of the representations of that memorial, to make any alteration in the warrant regulating promotion and retirement in the army, dated the 6th day of October, 1854?


said, that the memorial in question had been brought under the consideration of the Secretary for War, and the delay that had occurred in answering it had arisen from the necessity of going carefully into the statistical returns on which it was based. But he (Mr. Peel) was already able to say that the inquiry into those comparative tables had been carried far enough to show that the memorial had been founded on an error in calculation; and that there had, in reality, been no such difference as the memorialists supposed in the promotion of officers of the Guards and of officers of the line. He could not say, therefore, that there was any prospect of an alteration being made in the warrant of the 6th of October, 1854, in consequence of that memorial.