HC Deb 11 April 1856 vol 141 c874

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, whether the Government had come to any final decision as to the amount of weekly allowance to be made by the Treasury to certified reformatory schools in respect of juvenile offenders committed to them?


said, that in consequence of representations made to him by a deputation which had waited on him on the subject, he had addressed circulars to the managers of all the certified reformatory schools, in order that he might ascertain what the expense of the schools was, that some regulation might be made as to the allowance by the Treasury. He had received Returns from some of them which were very incomplete, and no Returns had been yet sent by others; and until he received the necessary information it was impossible to recommend any alteration of the grant to the Treasury. As soon as he was in possession of it he would give an answer to the noble Lord.