HC Deb 10 April 1856 vol 141 cc869-70

said, he would now beg to move that the name of Lord Naas be substituted for that of Mr. Scott upon this Committee; he wished also to state that Mr. Scott had authorised him to say that he did not wish to serve.


said, he had a Motion on the paper to substitute the name of Mr. Monckton Milnes for that of Mr. Scott. He would beg to explain that in forming the Committee he had endeavoured to select the names of hon. Gentlemen on both sides of the House who had taken an interest in the subject of transportation. Mr. Scott having always manifested an interest in the question, and having brought it under the notice of the House, he had placed that Gentleman's name on the Committee. He subsequently showed the list of the Committee to Mr. Scott who generally expressed his satisfaction. The list was placed upon the table, and was actually in print before he received a note from Mr. Scott, requesting that his name might be omitted. On the next evening, in his (Sir G. Grey's) absence, the Committee was moved, the name of Mr. Scott still remaining on the list; but, had he been present, he would have moved the substitution of some other Gentleman for the hon. Member for Berwickshire (Mr. Scott). It had been said that there were no Irish Members on the Committee. That was a mistake; there were two, but only one Scotch Member. The name of the hon. Member for Sligo had been substituted for that of the noble Lord the Member for Coleraine, who, as he understood, had declined to serve. Hence it was that he had given notice to place the hon. Member for Pontefract (Mr. M. Milnes) on the Committee in lieu of the hon. Member for Berwickshire.


said, that when he suggested that the hon. Member for Sligo should be placed on the Committee he did not intend that he should be substituted for the noble Lord the Member for Coleraine (Lord Naas).


said, he hoped that the House would not find it necessary to divide. The noble Lord the Member for Coleraine had held high office with distinction, and was well qualified to render valuable assistance to the Committee. His nomination, therefore, should be agreed to at once.


discharged from further attendance on the Committee.

Lord NAAS added to the Committee.

The House adjourned at a quarter after one o'clock.