HC Deb 08 April 1856 vol 141 c658

said, he hoped to be able to save the time of the House with reference to his Motion relative to the amount due to the East India Company from Her Majesty's Government for the cost of the Chinese war, by asking the hon. Gentleman the Secretary to the Treasury to state if the accounts had been gone into, and with what result? He hoped it would be such as to render it unnecessary for him (Sir J. Hogg) to trouble the House on the question.


said, a difference had existed between the East India Company and the Government as to the principle of settling the cost of the war. The Government had kept the accounts separate from those of the East India Company, and he was happy to say that between the two there was only a difference of little more than £200,000, and he hoped the House would consider that under the circumstances, it was not worth while for the hon. Member to go on with the Motion.


said, that being the case, there being but a difference of £200,000 on the claim of the East India Company of £800,000, he should not proceed with his Motion on the subject.