HC Deb 01 April 1856 vol 141 c333

The Report upon Supply having been brought up,

On the first Vote being read,


called the attention of the House to the very large increase of the Civil Service Estimates voted last night as compared with former years, and expressed a hope that when the House again went into Committee of Supply a closer scrutiny of the Votes would be made. The increase upon the three heads of Supply granted last night, amounted to no less than 11 per cent as compared with the Votes of 1854, or something like £5,000,000 on the whole revenue; and reverting to particular items he found one of £60,000 on the sum voted for the maintenance of public buildings in the metropolis and an increase in like proportion on other Votes. He very much feared that the Chancellor of the Exchequer would find it an easier task to get the House of Commons to vote the money than to collect it from the people.

Resolutions agreed to.