HC Deb 22 May 1855 vol 138 c890

That they do desire a present Conference with this House in the Painted Chamber, upon the subject matter of a Resolution of their Lordships, relating to Messages between the Houses of Parliament, and to desire the concurrence of this House thereto.

Resolved, That this House doth agree to a Conference with the Lords, as desired by their Lordships.

Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to manage the Conference:—And a Committee was appointed, of Viscount PALMERSTON, Mr. DISRAELI, Mr. GREENE, Mr. STRUTT, Viscount DUNCAN, Mr. MILES, Mr. WILSON, Lord SEYMOUR, Mr. EWART, Mr. LABOUCHERE, Sir JOHN TROLLOPE, the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER, Sir RICHARD VYVYAN, and Mr. BROTHERTON.

Then the names of the Managers were called over, and they went to the Conference; and being returned;

Viscount PALMERSTON reported, That the Managers had been at the Conference, which was managed on the part of the Lords by the Lord Privy Seal, and that the Lords had communicated the following Resolution, which had been adopted by their Lordships' House.

"Die Lunœ, 21° Maii, 1855.

Resolved, By the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in Parliament assembled,

'That this House is willing to concur with the other House of Parliament (if it shall think fit) in the following arrangement for the transmission of Messages, Bills, and Papers from one House to the other (namely),

'That, in addition to the present practice with regard to Messages between the Houses, one of the Clerks of either House may be the bearer of Messages from the one to the other:

'And that Messages so sent be received at the Bar by one of the Clerks of the House to which they are sent, at any time whilst it is sitting or in Committee, without interrupting the Business then proceeding:'

Ordered, That the said Resolution be communicated to the Commons, and their concurrence thereto desired."

Ordered, That the said Resolution be taken into Consideration upon Thursday.