HC Deb 10 May 1855 vol 138 c359

Sir, before proceeding with the Orders of the Day, I wish to say a word or two in order that there may be a clear understanding with regard to my Motion. I think the noble Lord at the head of the Government misunderstood my intentions when he stated that I was about to force my Motion upon the House on Monday next. I had certainly no such intention. When I requested the noble Lord to give me a night, he declined, and said I must find one for myself, and I then intimated that I would bring my Motion forward on going into Committee of Supply. I understand that on Monday night there will be an important Motion in another place, and perhaps it would be for the convenience of the House if my Motion were postponed till a later day. I think, therefore, that I had better avail myself of the kind permission given to me by the noble Lord the other night, and find a day for myself.