HC Deb 07 May 1855 vol 138 c181

Sir, it is now about a fortnight since the House of Commons were informed that the negotiations at Vienna had proved unsuccessful, and it is exactly a week since the unsuccessful negotiator reappeared in this House. I wish to know whether the protocols of the conferences, which Her Majesty's Government promised to produce, are ready to be laid upon the table, and if not, when they will be.


I am not able, Sir, to give a definite answer to the right hon. Gentleman's question. I know, however, that my noble Friend the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs is preparing the papers to which the right hon. Gentleman refers for presentation, and that they will be laid before the House on the earliest possible day.


I beg to give notice then, Sir, that I shall to-morrow ask Her Majesty's Government, whether they can inform us positively on what day these protocols will be laid upon the table; and, unless they can promise that the papers shall be produced very speedily, I shall call on the House to express an opinion on the subject.


, having subsequently entered the House, said that the papers would be ready the next day, and that the cause of the delay which had taken place in their presentation, was the temporary illness of a person in the Foreign Office, in whoso department it lay to translate papers of that description.