HC Deb 07 May 1855 vol 138 c182

said, that there seemed to be some inconsistency in the statements which had been made in that and the other House of Parliament, on the part of Her Majesty's Government, with reference to the Commissariat arrangements for the Sardinian Contingent. It had been stated that the original agreement was, that the Sardinian Government should supply the contingent with one month's provisions, and that after that time the contingent should depend entirely for their supplies upon the English Commissariat. He begged, therefore, to ask what was the nature of the arrangement that had been entered into.


Sir, the arrangement was, that for whatever period the Sardinian Government provided supplies, in the first instance, for their force, after the lapse of that time the Sardinian Contingent should draw their supplies from the British Commissariat, the Sardinian Government paying for those supplies. I will also take this opportunity of stating, that on this day week my noble Friend at the head of the War Department (Lord Panmure) will explain, in his place in the other House of Parliament, the arrangements Her Majesty's Government intend to make, with the view of consolidating several military departments of the Administration.