HC Deb 07 May 1855 vol 138 c225

The Chairman haying left the Chair, the Clerk at the Table acquainted the House, that he had received a letter from Mr. SPEAKER, which he read to the House, as follows:— House of Commons, Monday Evening, May 7. Sir,—I regret exceedingly, after the kind indulgence of the House in permitting me to leave the Chair this evening at an earlier hour than I could possibly have anticipated, that I am obliged most reluctantly to inform them of my unavoidable absence from the House during the remainder of the night, owing to my indisposition. I repeat that it is with sincere concern that I request you to make this announcement to the House.—I am, Sir, very faithfully yours, C. S. LEFEVRE. Sir Denis Le Marchant, Bart, Chief Clerk of the House of Commons.

Whereupon Viscount PALMERSTON, addressing himself to the Clerk, moved, "That the Resolution of the House of the 4th of August, 1853, relative to the Office of Speaker, might be read; and the Question being put by the Clerk, and agreed to, the said Resolution was read by him, as follows:—

Resolved, That whenever The House shall be informed of the unavoidable Absence of Mr. SPEAKER, the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means do take the Chair for that day only. And, in the event of Mr. SPEAKER'S Absence continuing for more than one day, do, if the House shall think fit, and shall so order it, take the Chair in like manner, on any subsequent day during such Absence.

Whereupon MR. FITZROY, the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, took the Chair.