HC Deb 04 May 1855 vol 138 cc175-6

Order for Committee read.

House in Committee.

Clause 1, agreed to.

Clause 2,


said, he wished to point out the inequality in the proposed reduction of the duty on the different classes of sugar at the conclusion of the war, he should move to substitute the figures 12s. 3d. for 12s. 9d. in the second column of the schedule attached to the clause.

Amendment proposed to leave out 12s. 9d. and to insert 12s. 3d.


opposed the amendment, and explained the principle upon which the reduction was made.


said, he considered that the change proposed by the Government would be injurious to the sugar producers and consumers, and to all classes connected with the sugar trade.


said, he understood the proposition of the Government was to reduce the duties by one-third, but unless they were prepared to vote that 4s. 6d. was a third of 15s., he did not know how they could support the schedule in its present form.

Question put, "That 12s. 9d. stand part of the Schedule."

The Committee divided:—Ayes 99; Noes 48: Majority 51.


said, as the Committee had decided by a majority of more than two to one that 4s. 6d. was the third of 15s., he thought it was useless to press the amendment of which he had given notice. At the same time he believed the two "drops" in sugar would be attended with very vexatious consequences, both to dealers and consumers.


said, he also considered that the change would be productive of much inconvenience.

After a few words from the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER, the clause was agreed to.

The other clauses of the Bill were also agreed to, and the House resumed.

The House adjourned at a quarter before Two o'clock.