§ MR. OTWAYsaid, he had observed in the Gazette on Tuesday last a notification to this effect—that, to avoid all doubt in future, Her Majesty had been pleased to order that officers serving in the Indian army should take rank in all parts of Her Majesty's dominions and in all parts of the world with the officers of the Royal army. He wished to ask whether, in consequence of that notification, Her Majesty was now empowered to command the services of the officers of the East India Company in any part of the world where the Crown and the country might deem their services advantageous; and whether officers in the service of the East India Company were at this moment eligible to posts and offices in Her Majesty's army?
MR. VERNON SMITHsaid, he thought it was perfectly well known that Her Majesty could command the services of officers of the Indian army in any part of the world, even before the memorandum referred to by the hon. Gentleman was issued. The object of that memorandum was simply to regulate the rank and precedence 31 of officers of the Indian army, with respect to which some doubt had existed. As the whole question of the state of the Indian army would be brought before the House on a future occasion by an hon. Member, perhaps the answer he had now given would be considered satisfactory.
COLONEL DUNNEsaid, he wished to know if, by the order just issued, officers of the Indian army were to have command over Her Majesty's troops in this country?
MR. VERNON SMITHsaid, if Her Majesty chose she had a perfect right to employ officers of the Indian army in this country.