HC Deb 11 June 1855 vol 138 c1832

said, he would now beg to move for the Returns respecting this Establishment, of which he had given notice.


said, he must oppose the granting of the Returns. No Commissioners had been appointed, and therefore no Report had been made. The Attorney General had been instructed to institute an inquiry, and such inquiry had been commenced. He believed that the hon. Member was acting as the agent of Mr. Holloway, whose object was to compel Lord Guilford to refund all the moneys he had received as Master of St. Cross Hospital. If he succeeded in that, he would prove himself stronger than the Courts of Law. Should the inquiries now in progress result in showing that the funds of the hospital had been mismanaged, the hon. Member might then move for the Returns.


said, he would admit at once that he had moved for the Returns at the request of Mr. Holloway, and he thought the House was bound to render that gentleman every assistance in its power in compelling Lord Guilford to disgorge some of the funds which he had secured as Master of St. Cross Hospital.

The House divided:—Ayes 7; Noes 24: Majority 17.

The House was adjourned at half-after One o'clock.