HC Deb 27 July 1855 vol 139 c1460

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty, what steps the Admiralty has taken to extend to the widows of officers of the Royal Navy the boon which Her Majesty has lately conferred upon the widows of officers of the army, by extending the pension warrant, so as to create a special scale of pensions for the widows of officers who may die from illness contracted in the field. Also, whether it is true that the widow of the late Admiral Boxer has only been granted the ordinary pension for an admiral's widow, namely, 120l. a year?


was most ready to admit that no distinction ought to be made between the two branches of the service. The army warrant was not yet finally arranged, and therefore he could not say exactly what its terms might he; but the Board had every wish to give the highest pensions in their power to the widows of officers dying on service. With regard to the case of the widow of Admiral Boxer, it was true that, under the regulations, she would have only the ordinary pension of an admiral's widow; but there were other sources from which that pension could be increased, and he was happy to state that Her Majesty had been graciously pleased to take her claims into consideration, and acknowledge them in a manner which would certainly be satisfactory to the country.