HC Deb 30 January 1855 vol 136 cc1233-4

I rise, Sir, to propose, considering the present state of public affairs, to which I need not more particularly allude, and, under the circumstances of the House of Lords having adjourned till Thursday, that, consequently, no statement can be made by the head of the Government until that day, that this House should also adjourn until Thursday. Under these circumstances, I do hope that, if there is any public business on the paper, hon. Gentlemen will have the kindness to postpone anything likely to raise a discussion until that day; and I now move that the House at its rising do adjourn till Thursday. I had almost forgotten that there is a Bill which my right hon. Friend the Secretary for the Colonies is anxious to bring in, of great and pressing public importance, inasmuch as it has for its object to carry into effect the treaty lately concluded with the United States relative to the fisheries; the purport of which my right hon. Friend will explain at another opportunity. It is of great importance with a view to colonial arrangements that no time should be lost in bringing in the Bill, and I trust, when it is brought in, the House will pass it as quickly as possible. If my right hon. Friend obtains permission to introduce the Bill, he will fix the second reading for Thursday next.

Question, "That the House at rising do adjourn till Thursday" put and agreed to.

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