HC Deb 24 January 1855 vol 136 cc934-5

acquainted the House, that he had received a Letter from Lord Raglan in answer to a Letter communicating the Thanks of the House of the 15th and 18th December last, relative to the operations of Her Majesty's Forces in the Crimea.

Letter read, as follows— Before Sevastopol, January 7th, 1855. SIR—I have had the honour to receive your Letter of the l8th December, transmitting the Resolutions of the House of Commons, and requesting me to communicate them to the Officers and Men of the British Army, and to General Canrobert; and I beg to acquaint you that I have fulfilled your instructions, and am proud of having been charged with so agreeable a commission. 'The Officers and Men of the British Army derive the highest gratification from the knowledge that their gallant exertions in the cause in which they are engaged have been honoured by the approval of the Representatives of the British Nation, and they accept with feelings of the deepest gratitude the unanimous thanks of the House of Commons. I shall best make known to the House the sentiments entertained by General Canrobert of the public recognition of the brilliant achievements of the French Army, in cordial co-operation with the Troops of Her Majesty, by transmitting to you a copy of His Excellency's Letter in reply to my communication, and the General Order in which he announced to the Army under his command the Resolutions of the House, and expressed his due appreciation of the thanks they conveyed. I trust you will be so good as to assure the House that I am deeply sensible of the great distinction it has conferred upon me in noticing my services, and that you will yourself accept my warmest acknowledgments for the manner in which you have performed the duty of communicating to me its Resolutions. I have the honour to be, With the highest respect, Your most obedient servant, RAGLAN. The Right Honble. The Speaker.


laid on the Table Copy of Letter from General Canrobert to Lord Raglan, in answer to the Thanks of the House of the 15th day of December last, relative to the co-operation of the French Army with Her Majesty's Land Forces in the Crimea, together with a Copy of the General Order to the Army of the East.

On the Motion of MR. WALPOLE, the letters were ordered to be printed.

House adjourned at half after Twelve o'clock.

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