HC Deb 28 February 1855 vol 136 c2059

Order for Second Reading read.


said, he trusted that his hon. and learned Friend who had charge of the Bill would not then press the second reading of it. There were many important provisions contained in it, and it was desirable that the Secretary for Ireland should have an opportunity of looking over them.


said, he would agree to postpone the second reading of the Bill on the understanding that the measure should receive at an early period the consideration which his hon. and learned Friend said would be given to it, so that legislation on the subject should take place this Session. It was desirable that the Government should as soon as possible make up their minds, and say whether they would oppose the measure or approve of it. If they approved of the Bill, let them adopt it, or introduce it in such a form as would secure the passing of it through the House this Session.

Second reading deferred till Wednesday, 14th March.