HC Deb 30 April 1855 vol 137 c1950

said, he wished to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, if it was his intention to make any exception with respect to the income tax chargeable upon the salaries of the civil servants, who are subjected to a charge of 5 per cent in addition to the present income tax (nearly 6 per cent), making together about 11 per centum levied on their limited incomes; also, whether he was prepared to state on what day he will lay on the table of the House the proposed Bill for altering and amending the law respecting the Civil Service Superannuation Fund?


said, the income tax included persons holding public offices, employments, and profits under the Crown; also persons holding offices paid from local rates, or under municipal bodies, as well as officers in the navy and army. Besides these, there were the civil servants of the Crown, whose salaries were subject to annual deductions on account of the Superannuation Fund. Those appointed since the Superannuation Act passed were not subject to the income tax. With respect to those who had taken office subsequent to the passing of that Act, Government were not prepared to make any exemption, inasmuch as if they did so they would soon find it necessary, on the ground of equity, to extend a similar exemption to other classes of public officers under schedule B. With respect to the latter part of the question, the subject was under consideration, but he was not prepared to lay on the table any measure regarding it.