HC Deb 26 April 1855 vol 137 cc1786-7

said, he begged to inquire of the First Lord of the Treasury what arrangements had been made as regarded the intended encampment at Aldershot, and whether the force would con-consist of cavalry, yeomanry, artillery, line, and militia regiments?


said, arrangements had been made for erecting at Aldershot huts for 10,000 men, the greater part of which were already prepared, and the rest would very speedily be ready. The intention was to have there twenty regiments of militia, some regiments of the line—how many was not exactly determined—three battalions of field artillery, and two or three troops of cavalry. It was not intended to have any yeomanry, as that force was called out only for eight days, and if they were sent to Aldershot, unless their head-quarters were very near, the whole time of training would be lost in marching, and it was not desirable to take the persons composing that force for too long a period from their natural avocations.


If they volunteered for permanent duty?


The permanent duty of the yeomanry is for eight days.