HC Deb 20 April 1855 vol 137 cc1577-8

Resolved7. "That, towards raising the Supply granted to Her Majesty, there shall be charged, raised, levied, collected and paid upon the goods and commodities hereinafter mentioned and described, the several duties of Excise respectively specified and set forth (that is to say):" [In Scotland the additional duty of one shilling and tenpenee per gallon: in Ireland the additional duty of two shillings per gallon.]

Resolved8. "That, towards raising the Supply granted to Her Majesty, on and after the 20th day of April, 1855, in lieu of the countervailing duties now chargeable under any Act or Acts in force on spirits of the nature or quality of plain British spirits manufactured or distilled in the islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, and Sark respectively, and imported from any of the said islands into Scotland or Ireland, there shall be charged and paid the following countervailing duties (that is to say)—Imported into Scotland nine shillings per gallon; into Ireland seven shillings and twopence.

Resolved9. "That, towards raising the Supply granted to Her Majesty, in lieu of the respective Duties of Excise now payable under any Act or Acts in force upon the several mixtures, compounds, prepartitions, and commodities mentioned and described in the Schedule hereto annexed, on the removal of the same respectively as hereinafter mentioned, there shall be raised, levied, collected, and paid upon the said several mixtures, compounds, preparations, and commodities which on or after the 20th day of April, 1855, shall be removed from Ireland to England or Scotland the several sums of money and duties of Excise respectively inserted, described, and set forth in the said Schedule." [Here follows the Schedule.]

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