§ Order for Second Reading read.
THE ATTORNEY GENERAL ,in moving the second reading of this Bill, said, as he believed there was no opposition to it, he trusted that the discussion would be reserved until a future stage.
§ MR. WHITESIDEsaid, he should spare the House the trouble of considering his Bill on this subject, as the present was a most excellent measure, and he suggested that there should be a transcript of the Bill applicable to Ireland, with only such alteration of words and phrases as circumstances might require. The measure deserved the cordial support of every one; and, if he might speak of his own thunder, he was gratified to find several of his clauses, struck out last year in the House of Lords, introduced into the present Bill. He was glad to see that the measure admitted parties by consent to try causes in the superior courts without a jury, and he would suggest that provision should be made to allow choses in action to be assignable.
§ MR. ATHERTONsaid, he willingly joined in expressing approbation of the measure; and added that he but expressed the opinion of the English bar when he said that the Irish Common Law Procedure Bill, introduced last Session by the hon. and learned Gentleman (Mr. Whiteside), obtained their cordial approval; and the Commissioners intrusted with the important office of considering this matter had been happy to borrow suggestions from him. He considered the Attorney General and Her Majesty's Ministers entitled to the thanks of the House for bringing forward this measure. No doubt in Committee there would be certain matters to be considered, but he anticipated that from both sides of the House Government would receive assistance to make the Bill as perfect as possible.
§ MR. STUART WORTLEYsaid, he believed that there was no disposition on the part of any one to oppose the second reading; but, as some serious questions were involved in the measure, which, on the whole, was a very valuable one, he trusted that ample notice would be given when the discussion would come on.
THE ATTORNEY GENERALpromised that there should be full opportunity allowed for discussing the measure at a future stage.
Bill read 2°.