HC Deb 21 July 1854 vol 135 cc496-7

Message from HER MAJESTY, brought up, and read by Mr. Speaker, as follows (all the Members being uncovered)—


"Her Majesty, deeming it expedient to provide for any additional expense which may arise in consequence of the War in which Her Majesty is now engaged against the Emperor of Russia, and relying on the experienced zeal and affection of Her faithful Commons, trusts they will make provision accordingly.

"V. R."


Mr. Speaker, I beg leave to move that Her Majesty's most gracious Message be referred to the Committee of Supply. The Committee of Supply stands for this evening, but I apprehend it is perfectly well understood that Her Majesty's Message will be taken into consideration on Monday evening next.


Sir, with respect to this side of the House, I am sure I may say that there is every disposition to vote any aid that Her Majesty may require, in order to carry on the war with vigour, spirit, and energy. As I understand, the House will have to take Her Majesty's Royal Message into consideration on Monday next, when I not only hope and trust, but indeed I suppose, Her Majesty's Ministers will be enabled to assure the House that in the present state of affairs there will be an autumnal Session.

Message referred to the Committee of Supply.

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