HC Deb 19 July 1854 vol 135 cc417-8

Mr. Speaker, I rise to move that the consideration of the Lords' Amendments to the Oxford University Bill be taken into consideration to-morrow se'nnight. In making this Motion, I will take the opportunity of making a statement relative to the business of the House. My attention has been called to a Resolution of the House of Lords of May 2, which is to the effect that no Bills coming from the House of Commons be read a second time, except Bills of Supply, after the 25th of July, unless they be measures of peculiar urgency, or are brought in in consequence of recent circumstances, which must be stated to the House. I am not now quoting the words, but that is the substance of the Resolution of the House of Lords. Well, I do not know that we can much complain that, after the 25th of July, there should be an unwillingness on the part of the House of Lords to consider new measures, but at the same time there is some difficulty in making the business of this House accord with that Resolution. I have thought it best so to arrange the business of this House, that the measures that we can send to the other House shall be sent up by Monday next. There is one Bill more especially which is of the greatest importance to the three kingdoms—the Bill with respect to bribery and corrupt practices at elections. This House has given a great deal of time to that Bill, and I hope it will go through this House without much more discussion. But there are two important points still to be considered — namely, whether this House will sanction in any way, or will withhold its sanction from, any expenses for refreshment or allowances for travelling, and likewise whether any declaration shall be made by Members, either at their nomination or in this House. Still, I hope that we may settle this question, and fix the Bill for a third reading, so that it may arrive in the House of Lords in time. That Bill stands for twelve o'clock to-morrow; and if we do not get through the consideration in Committee of the whole of the clauses, I shall propose to take it again at the evening sitting, and to proceed with it in such a manner that, possibly on Friday, or at the latest on Monday, we may send it to the House of Lords. There are various other Bills of considerable public importance that it will be necessary to take before Committee of Supply, which I had proposed to take on Friday. I will take care that they are placed on the Orders of the Day for to-morrow, so that the House may know what Bills are to be first proceeded with. With this statement, I move that the Order of the Day for considering the Lords' Amendments of the Oxford University Bill be now read, in order that it may be postponed until to-morrow se'nnight, and I think that the consideration of any other Bills coming down from the House of Lords had better be postponed, in consequence of the Resolution of the House of Lords to which I have called attention.

Motion agreed to; Consideration of Lords' Amendments deferred from to-morrow till Thursday, 27th July.

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