HC Deb 17 February 1854 vol 130 c817

said, that he had seen in the public press, in the course of the day, certain announcements which appeared to be authentic, and with reference to which he wished to put a question to the noble Lord the Member for the City of London. In the Morning Chronicle of that day, in a letter from its correspondent in Constantinople, was the followin:— An official despatch states that the Banshée brought an order to Constantinople for the combined fleets to remain at Beycos. When necessary, six steamers are to be employed convoying the Turkish ships to and from the Turkish ports. Four steamers are to reconnoitre in the Euxine, to be relieved every fourth day by the Turks. Now, he wished to ask the noble Lord if he had any objection to lay a copy of the despatch containing the orders given to the Admirals upon the subject to which he had called their attention, upon the table of the House?


In answer to the question of the hon. Member, I have to state that I think it would be most inexpedient that the orders which may be given to the fleet should immediately he communicated to this House. No course, in my opinion, would be more likely to interfere with the successful prosecution of those orders.