HC Deb 14 February 1854 vol 130 c656

asked Viscount Palmerston whether his attention had been called to section 37 of the Militia Act, by which the expense of providing a store-house for arms, accoutrements, and clothing, and quarters for a sergeant major and a portion of the non-commissioned officers of the permanent staff, is to be provided out of the county rate, while the boroughs, not contributing to the county rate, will be exempt from any portion of this charge?


said, the subject to which his attention had just been called had already been brought under his notice. The fact was that, owing to the peculiar provision of the law which exempted certain boroughs from county rates, those boroughs did not contribute towards the expense of militia stores. He had no hesitation in saying he thought that exemption was very unjust. The expense ought to be spread equally over all the property of the country; and he should endeavour, in the amended and consolidated Militia Bill, which he hoped to be able shortly to present to the House, to find the means of remedying that which was undoubtedly an injustice.

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