HC Deb 11 April 1854 vol 132 cc876-8

MR. C. FORSTER moved to nominate the Select Committee on this Bill.

Committee nominated:—Mr. Charles Forster, Mr. Austin Bruce, Mr. Fitzroy.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That Mr. Cheetham be one other Member of the Committee."


said, he would move to substitute the name of Mr. T. Duncombe for that of Mr. Cheetham. He did so without meaning any disrespect to the Gentleman whose name he wished to omit; but he was anxious to have the services of a Gentleman of the experience and sympathy for the working classes like the hon. Member for Finsbury. As the Committee was constituted, it would not give satisfaction to the parties interested.

Amendment proposed, to leave out the name of "Mr. Cheetham," and to insert the name of "Mr. Thomas Duncombe," instead thereof.

Question proposed, "That the name of Mr. Cheetham stand part of the Question."


said, he quite agreed that the object of the investigation was to give satisfaction to the parties interested; but he thought it might be carried out by the Committee as at present proposed. It had been carefully selected, and was composed of eight Members in favour of the Bill and seven who were against it. He did not undervalue the services of the hon. Member for Finsbury, but he thought the list a fair one, and he should, therefore, oppose the Amendment.


said, he was sorry that any Committee had been appointed on the subject, and he hoped the Government would make up their minds to resist the principle of these Bills, against which they had stated their opinions. He thought Government ought to have used its influence to prevent the loss of time which would arise by the appointment of this Committee, which would be productive of no good.


said, that he had looked over the list, and if this name was struck off there would be no Member on the Committee connected with South Lancashire, and considering the large amount of wages paid in South Lancashire, he thought that a Member connected with it ought to be on the Committee. In saying this he did not wish to say a word against the hon. Member for Finsbury.


withdrew his Motion.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Main Question put, and agreed to.

Mr. Moffatt, Mr. Craufurd, Mr. Booker, Mr. Peto, Lord Stanley, Mr. Baird, Mr. Coffin, Sir Henry Halford, Sir Joshua Walmsley, Mr. Wickham, and Mr. Gardner nominated Members of the Committee.

MR. MOFFATT moved that the Committee have power to send for persons, papers, and records.


said, he begged to ask in what position the inquiry relative to the hosiery trade would be. Last year the same measure was brought forward, and a considerable majority voted against it; but this year, to his astonishment, the noble Lord (Viscount Palmerston) consented to an inquiry on the subject before a Select Committee. What was to become of the inquiry, if they had witnesses also, relating to the hosiery trade? The great objection to this inquiry was, that it disturbed the minds of men engaged in this business, employers as well as employed. The whole of the Session would be occupied with the inquiry, and perhaps the Session would close before the inquiry was brought to a conclusion.


said, he did not apprehend that the two inquiries would extend to any great length. They would probably begin with one of them, and then go on with the other. It was not likely, in his opinion, to occupy a great length of time. Undoubtedly his opinion was that the hosiery workmen were under a great misapprehension. But, at the same time, when they found a great number of people suffering under considerable privations, and labouring under impressions that the system under which they were employed was unjust, and operated to their injury, he thought it right that there should be a Committee of Inquiry before whom they could state their opinions, and explain their supposed grievances; and it was, therefore, out of deference to their feelings that he consented to the appointment of the Committee.

Motion agreed to.