§ MR. R. PHILLIMOREthen moved for a return of the number of actions or suits in the High Court of Admiralty of England for each of the six years preceding the passing of the Act 3 & 4 Vict., c. 65. His object in moving for this Return was to furnish the House with a practical refutation of certain statements with reference to the Court of Admiralty, which had obtained currency both within and without the walls of that House—statements which were false in most cases, and in all cases grossly exaggerated. He hoped to show that in time of peace justice between individual parties was as satisfactorily administered in this Court, as in time of war international justice was done, to the honour and credit of the country. The 3 & 4 Vict. furnished practical evidence of the efficiency of this tribunal, for while it largely extended its jurisdiction it gave parties who had suffered damage from collisions or other causes an opportunity to seek their remedy in a Court of Common Law if they preferred it. The object of this Motion was to show that that option had, since the passing of the Act, been almost invariably exercised in favour of the High Court of Admiralty.
Return ordered—
of the number of Actions or Suits in the High Court of Admiralty of England for each of the six years preceding the passing the Act 3 & 4 Vict., c. 65, 'to improve the practice and extend the jurisdiction of the High Court of Admiralty in England,' and for each of the six years preceding Christmas 1852 inclusive, specifying the nature of each Action or Suit, and whether personal or against the ship, distinguishing Foreign from British ships; and in cases of damage, whether single or cross actions; and in cases of possession or bottomry bonds, whether involving claims in equity; and in cases of wages, whether
involving claims of masters and seamen against bankrupt owners of ships.