HC Deb 18 February 1853 vol 124 cc334-5

Sir, the noble Lord (Lord John Russell) has given notice that, on Thursday next, he will bring forward a Motion for the purpose of considering the Jewish Disabilities. A notice of Motion has also been given for the same day by my right hon. Friend the Member for Droitwich (Sir J. Pakington), which will take precedence of the noble Lord's Motion, and will probably occupy a considerable time. What I wish to ask of the noble Lord, in consequence of various requests made to me by several Members of this House, is, whether the noble Lord intends to bring forward his Motion on that day, supposing the discussion on the previous Motion shall last to a late hour, or whether, in such a case, he intends to bring forward his Motion on a subsequent day, and, if so, on what day? Perhaps it would be convenient that I should inform the noble Lord and the House, that having considered the question, we propose to take the discussion and division on that Resolution, thereby trying the question at once in a new Parliament, instead of waiting for the second reading of the Bill.


If I can bring it on before eleven o'clock, I will do so. If the discussion on the previous Motion should last longer, I will postpone it to a future day; but it is very difficult to find a day.

The House adjourned at a quarter after One o'clock, till Monday next.