HC Deb 20 August 1853 vol 129 c1830

1. AN Act to enable the Master, Fellows, and Scholars of Lady Frances Sidney Sussex College in the University of Cambridge to lease on long Leases and otherwise improve their Estate situate at Clee in the County of Lincoln; and for other Purposes.

2. An Act to authorize the granting of Building Leases of Lands and Hereditaments subject to the Will of Andrew John Nash Esquire, deceased.

3. An Act to incorporate the Craft of Tailors of the Burgh of Aberdeen, to confirm the Titles and Conveyances and to amend and regulate the Estates and Affairs of the said Craft, and for other Purposes relating to the Society.

4. An Act for extending the Powers of the Trustees of the Settlements on the Marriage of Charles Pelham Pelham Clinton Esquire, commonly called Lord Charles Pelham Pelham Clinton, and Elizabeth Pelham Clinton his Wife, commonly called Lady Charles Pelham Pelham Clinton, and of the Trustees of the Contract of Marriage of the Father and Mother of the said Lady Charles Pelham Pelham Clinton, so as to authorize the Investment of the produce of certain Stocks and Shares, Part of the Trust Funds subject to the Trusts of the same Settlements and Contract of Marriage respectively, in the Purchase of Estates in England, Wales Scotland, or Ireland, and to authorize the Investment of the same Trust Funds, or the Produce thereof, on the Security of Estates in England, Wales, Scotland, or Ireland.

5. An Act for enlarging the Powers of the Trustees of the Settlement made on the Marriage of the Baroness de Graffenried Villars, and for other Purposes.

6. An Act to authorize the granting for Building Purposes of Demises for long Terms of Years of the Trust Estate of the late William Penketh Cotham Esquire, and to authorize the granting of Mining Leases, and for other Purposes.

7. An Act for enabling the Trustees of the Will of Thomas Brown Esquire, deceased, to invest the Funds subject to the Trusts of the Will of the said Thomas Brown in the Purchase of Real Estates in Ireland.

8. An Act for enabling Sales, Exchanges, and Leases of the Family Estates of Robert Westley Hall Dare Esquire, and for other Purposes.

9. An Act to authorize the granting of Building Leases of Parts of the Estates devised by the Will of Sir Robert Holt Leigh Baronet, deceased, and to extend the Power in- the same Will contained to grant Mining Leases, and to authorize the Sale of a Share in the Wigan Waterworks, Part of the Estate of the said Sir Robert Holt Leigh.

10. An Act for confirming an Exchange between the Right Honourable Henry Stephen Earl of Hchester and the Right Honourable George O'Brien Earl of Egremont, now deceased, and for effecting an Exchange of Lands by the last Will of the Right Honourable George Earl of Egremont, now deceased, directed to be sold, for Lands by that Will directed to be settled.

11. An Act for vesting certain Estates belonging to the Sec of Canterbury, now vested in Trustees for Sale, in the Archbishop of Canterbury, with Provisions for the Sale thereof, with the Approval of the Church Estates Commissioners; and fur other Purposes.

12. An Act for enabling James Thomas Martin Esquire, and the Persons in remainder under the Will of Mary Jackson deceased, to grant Leases of Parts of the Estates thereby devised in Settlement., for the Purpose of building upon and otherwise improving the same; and for other Purposes.

13. An Act for incorporating the Trustees of the Bingley Free Grammar and General Education Schools and other Charities at Bingley in the County of York; for authorizing the Sale, Exchange, or Mortgage by the Trustees, when incorporated, of the several Estates belonging to the said Schools and Charities respectively situate in the Parishes of Bingley and Bradford, both in the said County of York; and for other Purposes relating to the said Schools and Charities.

14. An Act to amend an Act of Parliament made and passed in the First Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled An Act to enable the Governors of the Free Grammar School of Clitheroe in the County of Lancaster to sell and grant Building Leases of the School Estates, and to enlarge the Powers of the Governors; and to authorize the Court of Chancery to apply Parts of the Proceeds of the Sales effected under such Act towards Discharge of certain Debts of the said School, and to vary the Investment of such Proceeds, and apply the Income thereof towards the Maintenance of the School; and to enlarge the Powers of granting Building Leases created by the said Act; and for other Purposes.

16. An Act to authorize the Trustees of the late John Fourth Duke of Atholl to denude themselves of the Trusts created by his Trust Deed, and to convey the Trust Estates to his Grace George Augustus Frederick John Duke of Atholl, and the Series of Heirs specified in the said Trust Deed, and under the Provisions therein contained, and to enable the said Duke, or the Heir in possession for the Time, to sell Parts of the said Estate, and other Estates, for Payment of the Debts of the said John Fourth Duke of Atholl.

16. An Act to enable certain Persons to grant Leases for Mining Purposes of the Estates at Oakthorpe in the Counties of Leicester and Derby, or one of them, devised by the Will of the Reverend John Piddocke Clerk, deceased.

11. An Act to enable the Master or Keeper, Fellows, and Scholars of Jesus College in the University of Cambridge to alter and vary the Mode of dealing with the Benefaction of Doctor Edmund Proby and Sir Thomas Proby, and to appropriate the same for the Benefit of the said College in erecting and providing Parsonage Houses for Livings belonging to the said College, and in augmenting such Livings; and for other Purposes, including the Repeal of existing Legislative Enactments relating to the said Benefaction.

18. An Act to enable the Trustees of the Will of William Ward Jackson deceased to grant Mining, Building, and Improving Leases of and to open and work Mines in the Estates thereby devised upon Trusts by way of Settlement, and for other Purposes, and of which the Short Title is "Ward Jackson's Estate Act, 1853."

10. An Act for enabling Leases, Sales, and Exchanges to be made of the Estates of the late Philip Duncombe Pauncefort Duncombe Esquire deceased, and for other Purposes.

20. An Act authorizing and cabling the Trustees under the Will of the late Warden Sergison Esquire to raise Money by Mortgage of Part of the Estates settled by his Will, for the Purchase of adjoining Property, and for obtaining Enfranchisement of Copyhold Lands comprised in the Will, and for enabling the Trustees to obtain and grant Enfranchisement of Copy-hold Lands, and to grant Building Leases of Parts of the settled Lands, and for other Purposes.

21. An Act to enable the Bishop of Durham and the Freemen and Stallingers of the Borough of Sunderland to give up their respective Interests in certain Lands and Monies, for the Purpose of endowing an Orphan Asylum at Sunderland, and of making better Provision for the Spiritual Wants of the Parish of Sunderland; and to enable such Asylum to acquire and bold additional Land; and to enlarge the Powers and to provide for the better Regulation and Management of the said Asylum; and for other Purposes.

22. An Act to authorize the Executors in Trust of the Residuary Personal Estate bequeathed by the Will of the Most Honourable John Crichton Stuart Marquess of Bute and Earl of Dumfries, deceased, to postpone the Sale of certain Parts of such Residuary Estate, and to indemnify such Executors in respect of such Postponement and for other Purposes.

23. An Act to enable the Trustees of the Estate of Henry Smith Esquire deceased, to apply certain Funds held upon Trusts for the Relief of his poor Kindred in the Purchase of a Plot of Ground and Buildings called Strong's Place in the Parish of Kensington in the County of Middlesex.

24. An Act for authorizing the granting of Building Leases of Lands held under the Will of John Pidgley otherwise John Moor Pidgley, situate at Dawlish in the County of Devon.

25. An Act for better enabling the Trusts of the Will of Joseph Thomas Treffry deceased to be executed, under the Authority of the High Court of Chancery, and for other Purposes, and of which the Short Title is "Treffry's Estate Act, 1353."

26. An Act to settle Estates in the Counties of Cornwall and Devon devised by the Will of the late Right Honourable Richard Hussey Baron Vivian deceased, dated the Twenty-fourth Day of September One thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and thereby directed to be settled, and to enable the Trustees of such settled Estates to carry into effect an Agreement to grant a Building Lease of Part of such devised Estates to the West Cornwall Rahway Company; and for other Purposes.

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