HC Deb 16 November 1852 vol 123 c201

brought up the First Report of the Committee appointed to consider the circumstances relating to the attendance of the House and their place at the solemnity of the Duke of Wellington's funeral. It was as follows:— Your Committee have examined the Journals touching the proceedings and circumstances relating to the Procession of this House, and their place, on the occasion of public funerals, and they find that, in the year 1694, the House, with the Speaker, attended the Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Mary; that seats were reserved and tickets given to Members, with the Speaker's name, and that of each Member, for his admittance. Your Committee also find that in the year 1708 the Speaker was deputed on the part of the House, to present an Address to Her Majesty Queen Anne. Your Committee are of opinion, that it would be convenient, on this occasion, that the Speaker should be deputed to attend the Procession on the part of the House, and that the House should attend in the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul, and that the Speaker, when he arrives there, should take his place accordingly. Your Committee have examined respecting the arrangements for the accommodation of Members. They find that 500 seats are reserved for Members in front of the North Transept. Your Committee recommend that each Member should be furnished with a ticket of admittance with his name, and that the same should be distributed to Members, under the direction of Mr. Speaker.

Report to lie on the table.