HC Deb 10 February 1852 vol 119 c379

, in moving for leave to bring in a Bill to effect the compulsory enfranchisement of lands of copyhold and customary tenure, said, that he considered he should best consult the feelings of the House by shortly stating what had been done on this subject. The House would recollect that his own Bill of last Session, and that of the hon. Member for Cirencester (Mr. Mullings), had both been referred to a Select Committee, and it was a remarkable fact that that Committee never had a division. They unanimously agreed to a Report, and had instructed him to prepare and to present a Bill in accordance with it. A Bill accordingly was framed, but on account of the lateness of the Session he was requested by the House to withdraw it, and reintroduce it this Session. It had been printed and circulated during the recess, and he now asked leave to reintroduce it as printed, without the alteration of a single word. He would explain the principles of the Bill on the second reading.

Leave given. Bill ordered to be brought in by Mr. Aglionby and Mr. Mullings.

Bill read 1°.

The House adjourned at a quarter before Ten o'clock.