HC Deb 23 December 1852 vol 123 c1719

said, he begged to put a question to the right hon. Secretary of State for the Colonies. It would be in his recollection that a deputation waited upon him before the dissolution of Parliament, with regard to a certain occurrence at Gibraltar. In the month of March a meeting of the merchants and traders of that own was called with the view to passing a memorial to the Colonial Secretary with regard to certain grievances which they complained of. The Governor of Gibraltar issued a notice that the meeting should not be held. The meeting, therefore, was not held, and the merchants and traders were shut out from making known their grievances in the ordinary way to the Colonial Office. The right hon. Gentlemen gave the deputation to understand he would apply to the Governor of Gibraltar for his statement, and inform them of the result. He wished now to ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he had made the application; if any return had been made by the Governor of Gibraltar; and if any statement or answer had been returned, whether he would be kind enough to lay it oh the table of the House?


said, he remembered the circumstance of the deputation to which the hon. Member had alluded, and in consequence of the information he then received he addressed a letter of inquiry to the Governor of Gibraltar; but he had not yet received any explanation in answer.

The House adjourned at a quarter before Five o'clock.