HC Deb 26 June 1851 vol 117 c1263

begged to ask the right hon. Gentleman the Home Secretary whether any arrangements had been made, or were making, for carrying out the recommendation of the Royal Commission as to the future management of the British Museum by a small executive board?


said, in reply, that no measures had been taken to carry out the recommendations of the Royal Commission as to the management of the Museum in future by a small executive board. He could, however, assure his hon. Friend that the strongest desire existed to place the management on the most satisfactory footing, and with that view certain alterations had been made. The Museum was managed by trustees, and two vacancies which had lately occurred had been filled up by the appointment of two of the Royal Commissioners.


said, that the management had not been satisfactory, but very far from it, and that complaints had arisen even against the Royal Commissioners. He felt himself called upon to protest against the way in which such institutions were managed, and particularly when the public money was regularly voted for their support.