§ Order for Committee read.
1066§ House in Committee; Mr. Bernal in the Chair.
§ MR. HOLLONDcomplained that the borough of Hastings was omitted from the schedule.
LORD SEYMOURobserved, that so much diversity of opinion existed on the subject in Hastings, that he had intimated to the deputations which waited on him from that town, that he would omit the town from the present Bill in the hope that, before a second Bill (which was in preparation) was brought forward, the people of Hastings might find it possible to come to some conclusion on the point. If they did not come to some conclusion before that time, he would certainly insert Hastings in the second Bill. By this recommendation he would advise the House to abide.
§ MR. HOLLONDsaid, he should feel it to be his duty to move that Hastings be added to the Schedule.
§ Preamble postponed. Clauses agreed to.
§ Schedule considered.
§ Motion made, and Question put, "That 'Hastings' be added."
§ The Committee divided: —Ayes 43; Noes 82: Majority 39.
§ MR. FREWENcomplained of the Bill being brought on to-night unexpectedly. Several Members who took an interest in it would have been present had they known. He hoped his hon. Friend the Member for Hastings would take an opportunity of bringing the case of that town before the consideration of the House.
§ MR. HOLLONDsaid, it was necessary for the welfare of the town of Hastings that it should be included in the Bill.
§ MR. W. MILESsaid, the noble Lord ought to state his reasons for not including Hastings.
LORD SEYMOURsaid, the hon. Member would recollect that he came to him himself with respect to a town in his own part of the country, as to which there were great difficulties. They were not agreed as to whether the town should be under the Board of Health, and, if it were, they were not agreed as to the boundaries. A deputation from St. Leonard's waited upon him, and said, although it was fair to Hastings, it was very unfair to St. Leonard's. He then said he would put the town aside for that Bill, and would give them several weeks to come to a better understanding among themselves. But, looking to the importance of putting Hastings under the 1067 General Health of Towns Act, he should put it into the next Bill that he brought before the House.
§ Preamble agreed to.
§ House resumed; Bill reported as amended.