HC Deb 21 July 1851 vol 118 cc1143-4

stated, that he had received a Letter from David Salomons, esquire, relative to the entry of the Proceedings of the House on Friday last in his case, which he read, as follows:— Great Cumberland Place, July 21st, 1851. Sir—I take the liberty to call your attention to a very important omission in the record of the Proceedings of the House of Commons on Friday last, of all notice of my demand to subscribe the Oath of Abjuration, and to declare to my Property Qualification. Immediately after I had taken the Oaths, I read from a paper which I held in my hand the following words: 'I have now taken the Oaths, in the form and with the ceremonies that I declare to be binding on my conscience, in accordance with the Stat. 1 and 2 Vict. cap. 105. I now demand to subscribe the Oath of Abjuration, and to declare to my Property Qualification.' No notice has been taken, in the Proceedings above referred to, of my having made this demand. You will therefore, I am sure, Sir, pardon me for drawing your attention to the subject, and respectfully requesting that the Minutes of the Proceedings of Friday last be amended. With the utmost respect, I have the honour to be Sir, your most obedient and humble Servant, DAVID SALOMONS To the Right Honourable The Speaker. I ought to state to the House that the entry in the Votes was carefully prepared; and although what was spoken by the hon. Member was perfectly audible in this part of the House, yet it appeared to me, after the Clerk had reported the omission of certain words in the oath, and I had directed the hon. Member to withdraw, it was his duty to have withdrawn immediately; and any statement made by him at the table after that order had been given, could not properly be entered on the Votes. The Clerk will now proceed to read the Order of the Day.

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