HC Deb 08 July 1851 vol 118 c350

reported to the House, That Her Majesty has received the Address of the House of Commons of the 1st day of July, 1851, praying that She will be graciously pleased to take into Her consideration the state of spiritual destitution existing throughout England and Wales; with a view that Her Majesty may be pleased to direct the adoption of such measures as She may deem expedient, for affording more efficient relief to the spiritual wants of the people, and for an extension of the parochial system corresponding to the growth of a rapidly increasing population, by the help which may be drawn from the resources of the Established Church itself: And that Her Majesty has commanded him to inform the House, that the attention of Her Government had previously been directed to the best means of rendering the resources of the Established Church available for affording more efficient provision for the spiritual wants of Her People in England and Wales, and that they may be assured of Her cordial concurrence in the adoption of well-considered measures for promoting this important object.