HC Deb 06 August 1851 vol 118 c1905

then moved for a Select Committee to settle the order in which Members shall accompany Mr. Speaker on all occasions when Her Majesty shall command the House to attend Her Majesty in the House of Peers; to consist of Lord John Russell, Sir Charles Wood, Sir James Graham, Mr. Henley, Mr. Goulburn, Sir J. Y. Buller, Sir De Lacy Evans, Mr. Bernal, Sir J. Duckworth, Sir Joshua Walmsley, Mr. Evelyn Denison, Mr. Brotherton, Lord Marcus Hill, and Mr. Greene; three to be a quorum. His Lordship remarked, that on previous occasions there had been some want of decorum, and considerable inconvenience, and even danger, to Members, in obeying the summons of Her Majesty to attend Her in the House of Lords.

Committee agreed to.

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