HC Deb 31 July 1850 vol 113 cc602-3

MR. FITZROY moved that the Lords' Amendments to this Bill be agreed to. One of those Amendments he certainly regretted—namely, that which gave to the superior courts a concurrent jurisdiction with the county courts over actions for sums above 20l.; but, finding the opinion of the country to be in favour of the Bill, even with that provision in it, he was disposed at this period of the Session, rather than risk the passing of the Bill altogether, to consent to take it with that Amendment, accompanying his acceptance, however, with a strong protest against the clause, and reserving to himself a full right at a subsequent period to move that the Bill be restored to its original shape, if it should be found that the alterations made by the Lords did not work beneficially for the people.

Lords' Amendments considered.

Several Amendments agreed to.

Other Amendments agreed to, with Amendments.

Other Amendments disagreed to.

Committee appointed, "to draw up Reasons to he offered to The Lords at a Conference."