HC Deb 02 August 1850 vol 113 c699

Order for Second Reading read.


said, he wished to take the opinion of Mr. Speaker upon a question whether this Bill had been properly introduced. The Act which it was intended to continue provided that the expenses of any constabulary employed under it should be defrayed out of the Consolidated Fund, and that such advances should be repaid by the district wherein the constabulary were employed. A tax was thus imposed upon the public. These provisions had been introduced into the original Bill in the usual mode in which clauses involving taxation were introduced, namely, through a Committee of the whole House before being added to the Bill. The Bill then ought to have been introduced into that House in the first instance, and not in the Lords. The Commons had always insisted upon their privileges where taxation was concerned; and he submitted that they ought to require the present Bill to be laid aside, on the ground of this irregularity.


said, his attention had only just been directed to the clauses in question, and they appeared to him to sustain the view taken by the hon. Member for Kerry. The Lords of the Treasury were authorised to issue certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund, which were to be repaid by the district. This being so, he thought the Bill ought to be laid aside, and another brought in.


said, that, after what had fallen from Mr. Speaker, it was better the House should not proceed with the consideration of the Bill. He would therefore move that the order for the second reading be discharged, and his right hon. Friend the Secretary for Ireland would immediately move for leave, to which he (Lord J. Russell) apprehended the House would not object, to bring in the measure again.

Order for second reading read, and discharged. Bill laid aside.

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