HC Deb 30 April 1850 vol 110 c1058

, in rising to give a notice, wished to say one or two words. It would be in the recollection of the House that he had obtained leave to bring in a clause to be inserted in the Factory Bill. He meant simply to propose an Amendment to the second clause. It was found to be inefficient, and another was substituted, which was also found to be inefficient; and a conference of lawyers having sat upon it, they came to the conclusion that the object in view could not be attained by a single clause, unless new matter respecting mealtimes were to be introduced. He thought it right, therefore, to apprize the House that the Bill, as at present framed, contained some new matter, which proposed an additional limitation upon the working of the Act, so far as the masters and employers were concerned. He made this avowal, in order that it might not be said that be had taken the House by surprise. He therefore gave notice that on Thursday next, upon going into Committee on the Bill, he should move to substitute the amended clause.


thought that Thursday was too early a day for the consideration of this new matter. He would suggest a postponement, if only for another day, so as to give hon. Members time to communicate with their constituents on this subject.


said, it would be better that the clause, as amended, should appear in the Votes to-morrow, and then hon. Members might say whether, in their opinion, required a postponement of the Committee, in order to give them further time for deliberation. He thought the Committee had better stand for Thursday, as had been proposed.

The House adjourned at One o'clock.

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