HC Deb 09 April 1850 vol 110 cc117-8

Resolutions reported.

On Vote 11, 137,100l. to defray the salaries of officers and contingent expenses of the Admiralty Office,


said, he was well aware how useless it was for so small a man as he was in that House to object to the vote of salaries to which he had objected on the preceding night, but he had felt it to be his duty to do as he had done. No one had a better right than he to uphold the salaries set aside for both the services. Those who had gone before him had been in the Army. He had lost a most amiable brother in the Navy—one who was a not undistinguished officer, for he had been honourably mentioned by the gallant admiral under whom he had served. And he had two sons at present in the Army, one of whom had served his country in the recent affair at Moultan. Therefore he discharged a painful duty last night when he proposed the reduction that he did. He did not know personally the individuals who filled those most important situations, the Lords of the Admiralty, except his old Friend the First Lord of the Admiralty and Admiral Dundas, and he had no motive but a sense of duty, to carry out that which was much professed at the present day on that side of the House and more professed on the other—the economical system. He took the sense of the House, and he had flattered himself that he should have been supported by a vast number of hon. Members on that side of the House, who professed on the hustings their determination to support economy; but he regretted to say that he was not supported by them. He might have expected it. An individual like himself could not expect much support; but that could not make him forget his duty, nor would it prevent him from going out with only one Member in the discharge of what he conceived to be his duty to his country. The noble Lord at the head of the Government promised a Committee of Inquiry to consider the reductions of salaries. He entertained the greatest respect for the noble Lord as far as his talents were concerned, but he could not say much for his consistency. He hoped the noble Lord would carry that principle into effect. He (Colonel Sibthop) took the liberty of saying that he doubted it. Nevertheless, he should pursue the course that he had done. He should watch the noble Lord as carefully as a cat watched a mouse, and he should be always on the spot.


said, he did not think the hon. and gallant Member had made out his case for a reduction of the Lords of the Admiralty. He considered that reduction might be more easily made by exercising a vigilant superintendence over the expenditure of the dockyards.

The remaining Votes reported.