§ MR. MOFFATT moved for leave to reintroduce the measure.
§ MR. ANSTEYfelt bound to oppose the Motion.
§ SIR G. GREYsaid, it was usual, in courtesy, to allow a Member to bring in a Bill. There was some business on the Paper which it was important should be disposed of, and the hour was getting late. Probably the hon. and learned Member would wave further opposition upon that occasion.
§ MR. ANSTEYHis only object in opposing the Motion was to save time; for, in the then temper of the House, he felt certain leave to reintroduce the Bill would be refused. If he gave way, he would certainly divide upon the first reading.
§ Bill ordered to be brought in by Mr. Moffatt, Mr. Evans, and Mr. Brotherton.
§ House adjourned at two minutes before Six o'clock.