HC Deb 21 March 1849 vol 103 c1086

MR. SOTHERTON moved the Second Reading of this Bill, which he believed was unopposed. The object of the measure was to relieve the defects of the present law relating to the levying of rates for erecting and providing county lunatic asylums, and to enable occupiers of lands or tenements having only a temporary interest therein, and who had paid the tax assessed at quarter-sessions by the justices, to deduct one-half of the rate from the rent paid to the landlord.


approved of the Bill so far as it went, but thought that great advantage would be gained by placing such rates upon the landlords, and not upon the tenants.

After some conversation, in which Mr. HODGES, Mr. BROTHERTON, Sir J. DUCKWORTH, and some other hon. Members, took part,

The Bill was read a second time, and committed for Wednesday 28th instant.

The House adjourned at Five o'clock.