§ The LORD ADVOCATEmoved that this Bill be referred to a Select Committee upstairs.
MR. LOCKHARTobjected to proceeding with the measure at all, in the absence of so many Scotch Members as were now out of town.
§ MR. F. SCOTTsaid, it was a very convenient practice for the House that not only this Bill, but, he believed, all Scotch Bills, should be shuffled out of the House, and referred to Committees upstairs. This practice had been adopted for the last two Sessions; and no doubt it was a very convenient one for the Government, which could select the majority of the Members of a Committee, and thus smother discussion. 1079 It was also, no doubt, a remarkably convenient arrangement for the House, composed as it was almost altogether of English Members; and all he had to say to the arrangement was, that it would add to the convenience if Irish measures were treated in the same manner. He thought at least that some quid pro quo should be established, and that Irish Members should either insist upon the Rate in Aid Bill or the Incumbered Estates Bill being referred to Committees upstairs, or that they should join with the Scotch Members in voting that Scotch measures should be discussed down stairs.
§ Order for Committee of the whole House discharged.
§ Bill commited to a Select Committee.
§ House adjourned at a quarter after Twelve o'clock, till Monday next.