HC Deb 27 February 1849 vol 102 cc1334-7

Order for Second Reading read. Motion made and Question proposed, "That the Bill be now read a second time."


, in rising to move the second reading of this Bill, said, the object of the measure was merely to place the county of Buckingham upon the same footing as every other county in England and Wales, with regard to the provision of a convenient place for holding the county assizes. The town of Buckingham, where the summer assizes for the county of Buckingham were held at present, was very inconveniently situated for all parts of the county, and great complaints had recently been made because the summer assizes were not held in a more central part of the county. Aylesbury, where the spring assizes for the county were regularly held, was situated equidistant from almost all parts of the county, and a large gaol had recently been erected there at great expense, and fitted up for the separate system of confinement of prisoners; and this circumstance, together with the general accommodation and convenience the change would afford to the whole of the county, rendered it highly desirable that the summer assizes should be removed to that town in future. The Judges of assize had frequently complained of the inconvenience of holding the assizes in the town of Buckingham, and repeated memorials, from a full bench of magistrates assembled in quarter-sessions, had been addressed to the Privy Council, praying for an alteration. The ratepayers of the county, too, were strongly in favour of the change he proposed to effect by this Bill, which would empower the Privy Council to avail themselves of the powers of the Act of William IV., enabling it to appoint a convenient place for holding the assizes. The removal from the town of Buckingham to the town of Aylesbury, would, as he already said, be a great public good. He saw the hon. Member for the borough of Buckingham (the Marquess of Chandos) in his place ready to oppose him. Now, he could assure the noble Marquess that he had no wish to injure the town of Buckingham; but he trusted that no old associations, or personal feelings, or personal interests, would be allowed to stand in the way of conferring this boon upon the public at large.


said, in reference to what had been said by his hon. Friend, he begged to say that he stood there on no hereditary right, and would not oppose a Bill of this kind on any such ground as that suggested. He would not oppose the Bill if he were convinced by the argument of his hon. Friend that the proposed change would be for the convenience of the county generally; but he was not quite convinced, from what had been stated by his hon. Friend, that such would be the result. On a former occasion there had been a meeting of magistrates, at which a proposal for a measure similar to this had been defeated by a majority of three to one; and he should also remark, that he thought he had the pleasure of numbering his hon. Friend himself amongst those who voted with him in opposition to this measure on that occasion. On a subsequent occasion he believed his hon. Friend would have voted in the same way, but the question was not brought to a division. The question was not one between Aylesbury and Buckingham, but it was a question of great importance to the two ends of the county; and the measure, if carried, would cause great inconvenience to many of the magistrates of the county. If the question were again brought before the magistrates, not at an adjourned sessions, but at the quarter-sessions, he felt assured that the result that had occurred on the former occasion to which he had alluded would again take place. He felt it his duty, not only on the part of his constituents, but also on behalf of many of the magistrates of the county, to move that this Bill be read a second time this day six months.

Amendment proposed—"To leave out the word 'now,' and at the end of the Question to add the words 'upon this day six months.'"


hoped, that the noble Marquess would not press his opposition to this Bill. It was not a measure that would necessarily cause a change in holding the assizes; the single object of the Bill was to place the county of Buckingham in the same position as every other county in England; that is to say, that the Queen should have the power of changing the place for holding the assizes, by an Order in Council, pursuant to the provisions 3 and 4 William IV. A communication had taken place with the Attorney General on this matter, as it was thought that the general Act would include Buckingham, notwithstanding the specific Act of Parliament, the repeal of which was now sought; but on looking into the subject, it was considered that as the specific Act was not referred to in that general Act, it therefore was not included in it. After this explanation, he trusted the noble Marquess would not press his opposition, more especially as the grounds on which the specific Act was passed no longer existed.


, after the explanations that had been given, would not press his Amendment.

Question proposed—"That the word 'now' stand part of the Question." Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Main question put, and agreed to.

Bill read 2°.

House adjourned at half after Seven o'clock.