MR. HUME moved an Address for—
A Copy of the Report of Captain Bayfield, R.N., on the Necessity of Erecting a Lighthouse, on Cape Pine, Newfoundland, and Statement of the Measures that have been adopted by the Government in consequence. Statement of the Progress made in the Erection of the Lighthouse on the Island of Barbadoes, for which the Assembly of Barbadoes has voted Money, and for which, in the Miscellaneous Estimates of last year, the House voted the Sum of 2,000l. Also, Statement of what Measures have been adopted respecting the Erection, Management, and Superintendence of Lighthouses in the British Colonies and Possessions.
The hon. Member said, there were not less than 150 lighthouses connected with the
colonies, but there was no public officer in this country to whom any application could be made relative to them. Numerous shipwrecks had taken place on the island of Barbadoes, and also on Newfoundland, in consequence of proper precautions not having been taken in the erection of lighthouses. He trusted that the Government would turn their attention to the subject, and see the propriety of nominating some responsible party.
§ VISCOUNT BERNARDsaid, the lighthouses nearer home were equally deserving the attention of the Government. During the last winter, many shipwrecks had taken place on the south-western coast of Ireland, principally in consequence of the positions in which the lighthouses were placed. The Ballast Board of Dublin, under whose jurisdiction the lighthouses were placed, possessed largo funds; and he trusted the Government would adopt some means by which those funds might be usefully applied, instead of remaining at the bank. Many vessels might have been saved if proper beacons had been placed on some of the most dangerous rocks.
MR. DUNCANimplored the Government to pay attention to the subject of lighthouses, particularly as they were going to make an alteration in the navigation laws.
§ MR. ANSTEYcould confirm the statement of the noble Viscount the Member for Bandon with respect to the working of the present system in Ireland. Some years ago, the Admiralty reported in favour of the erection of a lighthouse on Cable Island, as most convenient for the guidance of vessels entering the port of Youghal and the Cove of Cork. Another site was, however, afterwards chosen, which, although equally useful for Cork, was not convenient for Youghal. Application was made to the Government on the subject, and they showed every inclination to meet the wishes of the inhabitants of Youghal; but the Ballast Board in Dublin was absolute, and the Government had no power to interfere. The consequence was, that a valuable undertaking, which had been commenced by some of the merchants of Youghal, for the establishment of steam communication with Liverpool, was abandoned, it being considered unsafe for those steamers to attempt to enter the port at certain times without the existence of a light on Cable Island.
§ MR. H. A. HERBERTbore testimony 1077 to the statement of the noble Viscount the Member for Bandon, and trusted that the Government would turn their attention to the subject.
§ LORD J. RUSSELLsaid, the subject had very much attracted the attention of his noble Friend lately at the head of the Admiralty (the Earl of Auckland), and was now under the consideration of the Board of Trade. He thought it desirable that the noble Viscount the Member for, and other hon. Members who possessed practical information on the subject, should state their views, preparatory to legislating on it.
§ Returns ordered.
§ House adjourned at five minutes before Six o'clock.